Google announced plans to integrate its Social Media initiative Google+ Circles into the Gmail interface and has already started rolling out this new feature on Gmail accounts.
The Gmail Team has published a post about his integration.
Gmail will show list of Google+ Circles on left side of the Gmail Interface. And, the Gmail users can filter the emails based on Circles. For example, if you click on the “Business” circles in the left side menu, you will show the emails communicated with all the persons available in your Circled named “Business”.
Now you can grow your Google+ circles from your Gmail itself. When you open an email from someone on Google+, you can see the most recent post they’ve shared with you on the right-hand side of the conversation. If they’re not in your circles yet, it’s easy to add them straight from Gmail.
You can keep your contact information up-to-date automatically. If your contacts have a Google profile, their contact entry in Gmail will be updated with the profile information they’ve shared with you, including phone numbers, email addresses and more. If they change it in the future, you’ll get those updates automatically.
And, now Gmail allows you to share your email attachment with your Google+ circles without leaving your Inbox. You need NOT download the image from Gmail and re-upload to your profile for sharing them. Just once quick click is enough to share the images that are received as attachments in your Gmail Inbox.