Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister Randi tripped on the social network’s privacy settings.
Randi Zuckerberg, older sister of Mark, posted a photo on Tuesday to her private timeline, showing her family’s reactions to the social network’s new Poke smartphone app.
Callie Schweitzer, a marketing director at Vox Media, saw the picture in her Facebook feed and, thinking it was a public photo, reshared it on Twitter.
Randi had posted it on her private Facebook account and the only reason it was visible to Schweitzer was because she’s Facebook friends with Randi’s sister.
Many of the tweets by both users, including the one with the photo, have since been deleted.But it may be too late because the photo and the Twitter exchange was originally picked up by Buzzfeed, then published on various news sites.
“Digital etiquette: always ask permission before posting a friend’s photo publicly. It’s not about privacy settings, it’s about human decency,” Randi Zuckerberg tweeted after the photo was removed.