Google has released details about Copy Right removal Requests and User Data Requests.
Google’s Transparency Report gives complete details about User Data Requests.
RIAA Member companies (EMI Music North America, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group and their associated record labels) raised requests for removing more than 1.7 Million URLs in a month. Fox and Microsoft corporation also request for removing more than a Million URLs in past month.
Google had received Removal request from Governments of various countries also.
Some content removals are requested due to allegations of defamation, while others are due to allegations that the content violates local laws prohibiting hate speech or adult content.
These below Domains got more number of copyright removal requests in the past month.
Google regularly receives requests from governments and courts around the world to hand over user data.
Google’s Transparency Report gives details about this User Data requests too.
United States had made 8,438 User Data requests in the time between July and December 2012. Google had produced the User Data for the 88% of the requests related to 14,791 Users/Accounts.
- 68 percent of the requests Google received from government entities in the U.S. were through subpoenas. These are requests for user-identifying information, issued under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (“ECPA”), and are the easiest to get because they typically don’t involve judges.
- 22 percent were through ECPA search warrants. These are, generally speaking, orders issued by judges under ECPA, based on a demonstration of “probable cause” to believe that certain information related to a crime is presently in the place to be searched.
- The remaining 10 percent were mostly court orders issued under ECPA by judges or other processes that are difficult to categorize.
Next to United States, India had made 2,431 user Data requests.