The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, has summoned the US ambassador to Spain, James Costos, to discuss NSA spying allegations in Madrid.
Earlier, the Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported that it had seen an NSA document that showed the US spy agency had intercepted 60.5 million phone calls in Spain between 10 December 2012 and 8 January this year.
According to El Mundo, the content of the calls was not monitored but the serial and phone numbers of the handsets used, the locations, sim cards and the duration of the calls were. Emails and other social media were also monitored.
In one day alone – 11 December 2012 – the NSA monitored more than 3.5 million phone calls.
Last week Monday, France called in the U.S. ambassador to protest at allegations in Le Monde newspaper about large-scale spying on French citizens by NSA.