Google has released new version of the Module Developers Kit (MDK) for its Modular phone system “Project Ara”.
The Module Developers Kit (MDK) defines the Ara platform for module developers and provides reference implementations for various design features. The Ara platform consists of an on-device packet-switched data network based on the MIPI UniPro protocol stack, a flexible power bus, and an elegant industrial design that mechanically unites the modules with an endoskeleton.
The MDK can be downloaded from
Read below the highlights of the changes made this new version Project Ara MDK 0.2
Release 0.2 (alpha) – January 8, 2015
• Updated all prototype implementations sections to reflect Spiral 2 design.
• Consolidated CMF specifications and reference implementation to Section 2.
• Updated Layer 1 contactless media converter (CMC) from capacitive to inductive and
included draft CMC specification as a separate document in reference materials.
• Updated FPGA UniPro implementation with Toshiba HS and GP Bridge ASICs.
• Updated Layer 5+ network, introduced Greybus Application Protocol, and included
Greybus specification in a separate document in the reference materials.
• Updated objective software architecture and Spiral 2 prototype reference
• Updated environmental section to include all MDK compliance specifications.
• Added initial description of Ara Module Marketplace requirements.
This MDK was created from the contributions of various people from many companies such as Google, NK Labs, LeafLabs, New Deal Design,Metamorph Software, X5 Systems,Toshiba, Mixel,Quanta, Opersys, Linux Solutions, Linaro,BayLibre, NewOldBits, Oxford Systems, Foxconn Interconnect Technology (FIT) and IDT Systems.
This MDK provides an overview of the Ara Module Marketplace, an e-commerce portal that enables a two-sided market between module developers and consumers. The main components of the Ara Module Marketplace are the developer-facing Ara Developer Console and the Ara Configurator app that users will be able to access on their Ara phone.
The Ara Developer Console is the primary developer-facing element of the Ara Module Marketplace and serves as the main entry point for module vendors and developers. The web portal address will be provided in a future MDK release.
And, Google has planned to start the second Project Ara Developers conference starting from January 14, 2015.
And, watch this video to know the 10 Facts about Google’s Project Ara