Google has announced that its Android Wear Smartwatches now works with iPhones. The android wear iOS app is compatible with iPhone 5 and all latest iPhones, running iOS 8.2 and up.
The Android Wear app connects your iPhone to your Android Wear watch. Once connected you’ll receive notifications from all your iPhone apps, right on your wrist, as well as timely information from Google Now like traffic alerts, weather and flight status. Just say “Ok Google” to ask questions like “Is it going to rain in London tomorrow?” or create to-dos with “Remind me to pack an umbrella.”
You can also use the Android Wear iOS app to configure your wearable device, including which notifications appear on your watch.
Android Wear features always-on displays, so you’ll never have to move your wrist to wake up your watch.
You can set fitness goals, and get daily and weekly views of your progress. Your watch will automatically track walking and running, and even measures your heart rate.
Dr. Seuss once said: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
We agree. So whoever You are, and whatever You like—Android Wear lets you wear what you want.
The Android Wear for iOS works with the LG Watch Urbane. All future Android Wear watches, including those from Huawei, Asus, and Motorola will also support iOS.
Few days back, Google announced interactive watch faces and Google translate on Androis wear watches. The watch face can change its design, reveal more information, or even launch a specific app, without having to open an app. This gives new opportunities to make the watch face more engaging and interesting. Translate is built into the latest Android Wear software update, so we can have bilingual conversations even if we don’t have Google Translate on our phone.
Read below the discussions on Android Wear iOS app,
- It’s working on my Moto 360 just fine. For anyone who’s already using their Android Wear devices with iOS (using BLE Utility) be warned you have to do a factory reset on your watch for the app to pair. So, if you have a bunch of apps installed, you lose all of them. Kinda a shame, since it’ll be a while before any of the developers for Android Wear make iOS versions of their apps (if they do at all)…. so say goodbye to all of your awesome watch faces (for now).
- Paired my original LG Gwatch no problems, then the watch updated to Wear version 1.3… and it works perfectly.
About Android Wear:
Android Wear was announced on March 18, 2014, along with the release of a developer preview. At the same time, companies such as Motorola, Samsung, LG, HTC and Asus were announced as partners.
At Google I/O 2014, the Samsung Gear Live and LG G Watch were launched, along with further details about Android Wear. Motorola’s Moto 360 was released on September 5, 2014.
Android Wear is a version of Google’s Android operating system designed for smartwatches and other wearables. By pairing with mobile phones running Android version 4.3+, Android Wear integrates Google Now technology and mobile notifications into a smartwatch form factor. It also adds the ability to download applications from the Google Play Store.