Twitter has launched Moments, a new service that helps you to find the best of Twitter as easily as tapping an icon – regardless of who you follow.
Madhu Muthukumar, Twitter’s product manager for Moments, said: “We know finding these only-on-Twitter moments can be a challenge, especially if you haven’t followed certain accounts. But it doesn’t have to be.
“Moments helps you find the best of Twitter as easily as tapping an icon – regardless of who you follow.”
The Moments home screen, called Today, offers the kind of news you might expect to see on any news app these days: a mix of national and world events, politics, business, and one or two quirky stories
You can also swipe through to topics including “Entertainment” and “Sports” to find more stories from the past few days.
Most moments are assembled by twitter’s curation team, and some are contributed by partners like Bleacher Report, Buzzfeed, Entertainment Weekly, Fox News, Getty Images, Mashable, MLB, NASA, New York Times, Vogue and the Washington Post.
Moments is being introduced to users in the US across Android, iPhone, and the desktop web.But a Moment can be shared anywhere.Users from outside the US can enjoy the same experience if you discover a link to a Moment in a Tweet or DM, or embedded elsewhere.