Google has released “Tilt Brush”, a 3D painting app for the Virtual Reality headset “HTC vive”
Tilt Brush lets you paint in 3D space with virtual reality. Your room is your canvas. Your palette is your imagination. The possibilities are endless.
i-e Tilt Brush is a Virtual Reality Tool that paints the space all around you.
Tilt Brush was created by VR studio Skillman & Hackett before being acquired by Google
With Tilt Brush, you can paint in three-dimensional space. Just select your colors and brushes and get going with a wave of your hand. Your room is a blank slate. You can step around, in and through your drawings as you go. And, because it’s in virtual reality, you can even choose to use otherwise-impossible materials like fire, stars or snowflakes.
Tilt Brush makes use of the Vive’s room-scale functions to create a space in which you can view and create art.
One of the best parts about any new medium is just seeing what’s possible. So, Google brought Tilt Brush to The Lab at Google Cultural Institute—a space in Paris created to bring tech and creative communities together to discover new ways to experience art. Since then, artists from around the world and from every discipline have come to explore their style in VR for the very first time.