Elon Musk has posted the official first photo of SpaceX space suit on Instagram.
Elon Musk mentioned that it is the First picture of SpaceX spacesuit and more details will be coming in few days. And he specified that it is Worth noting that this actually works (not a mockup). Already tested to double vacuum pressure. According to Elon musk it was incredibly hard to balance suit’s look and function. Easy to do either separately.
This photo of the SpaceX space suit is similar to photos that surfaced one year back on reddit.
This Space suit will be worn by astronauts riding in the reusable Dragon crew capsule. Till date spaceX hasn’t launched any crewed mission, though it had many missions using reusable rockets and capsules.
SpaceX is planning to launch its first crewed mission with NASA in June next year. This space suit could be used first fime for that mission. They also plan to send two space tourists on a flight around the moon next year.
News Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BYIPmEFAIIn/?taken-by=elonmusk