LG Display announced that it has developed the world’s first 88-inch 8K OLED display. This industry-leading product will be showcased at LG Display’s booth at CES 2018 in Las Vegas this month.
It’s the largest and highest-resolution OLED screen to date Previously, the largest OLED screen size was 77 inches, and it “only” came in 4K.
The 88-inch 8K OLED display boasts the highest resolution with 33 million pixels – 16 times more than FHD and four times more than UHD.
The 8K OLED displays can also maintain their slimmer design, as the self-emissive OLEDs do not need backlight units.
OLED TVs are well-known for their superior picture quality with perfect black, more life-like colors, and wider viewing angles.
News Source: http://www.lgdisplay.com/eng/prcenter/newsList