Twitter, the Micro blogging giant has unveiled a new blue bird for its logo.The updated logo is crafted purely from three sets of overlapping circles.
“This bird is crafted purely from three sets of overlapping circles — similar to how your networks, interests and ideas connect and intersect with peers and friends. Whether soaring high above the earth to take in a broad view, or flocking with other birds to achieve a common purpose, a bird in flight is the ultimate representation of freedom, hope and limitless possibility”, said in it’s official blog.
Twitter gives some Usage guidelines for using its logo:
Use our official, unmodified Twitter bird to represent our brand.
Make sure the bird faces right.
Allow for at least 150% buffer space around the bird.
Use speech bubbles or words around the bird.
Rotate or change the direction of the bird.
Animate the bird.
Duplicate the bird.
Change the color of the bird.
Use any other marks or logos to represent our brand.