Google has officially introduced an interactive video discovery tool Youtube slam.With hours of video uploaded into youtube servers from the users all over the world every minute , Google is looking for ways to provide popular content to the users and to view them. This Youtube slam feature randomly splits two videos side by side and the best of the two is chosen based on the public voting.
This video discovery feature was designed by a group of developers with in Google Research. This video discovery tool is now available for 5 categories namely dance, music, bizarre, cuteness and comedy. When the user select a category a new page will open with two competing videos under that category , and now once the user finish watching both videos they click the voting button that is below the videos if the user chooses the video then it will be awarded two points and if that video is selected several times then the points will radically increase and will finally get a place in the Youtube slam leaderboard.
Google software engineer Tomas Izo said in a blog post that Youtube slam has been designed to discover the interesting content they might not otherwise see while surfing the site.
The Users can start using YouTube Slam at
This YouTube Slam creates a battle of Viral Videos.
Right now, Comedy Slam is having huge number of Videos and Votes comparing to the other four slams.
YouTube slams shows list of Top Voters apart from showing the list of Top Vidoes. And, the Users can view Top Videos of either the Last Week or All Time.
Google describes the Youtube Slam as below,
This is the place for discovering talented amateur singers, the most adorable clips and the craziest videos on YouTube. Watch pairs of videos and vote for your favorite. Videos are scored based on your votes, and the best videos are featured on the slam leaderboard. Start voting today and be the first to discover the best videos on YouTube!