Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt has said that it would be “outrageous” if the NSA had really looked into Google’s data centers.

“It’s really outrageous that the National Security Agency was looking between the Google data centers, if that’s true. The steps that the organization was willing to do without good judgment to pursue its mission and potentially violate people’s privacy, it’s not OK,” Mr. Schmidt told The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in an interview. “The Snowden revelations have assisted us in understanding that it’s perfectly possible that there are more revelations to come.”
Eric Schmidt said Google had registered complaints with the NSA, as well as U.S President Barack Obama and members of Congress. And, he said that the right balance of security and privacy starts with finding the appropriate level of oversight.
Previously, the Washington Post had reported that the NSA had tapped directly into communications links used by Google and Yahoo to move large amounts of email and other user information between overseas data centers. It said the program was operated jointly with UK’s GCHQ.
NSA snooping of Google Data had brought issues to Google. For example, few days back an union representing German journalists advised its members to stop using Search And E-mail Services of Google and Yahoo because of the reported snooping by US and British intelligence.