Twitter has been adamant in restricting the tweets limits to just 140 characters. But Facebook is going in the exact opposite direction It has increased its character limit to more than 60,000 characters.
Initially when status updates were introduced in Facebook the character limit was just 160 , just 20 more than its rival Twitter. But this resemblance stops here, while Twitter chose to get a concrete foot on its 140 characters concept. Facebook has been more liberal in this regard way back in march 2009 the status update limit was extended to 420 characters. After a couple of years it was increased to 500 in july 2011 and to 5000 in September of the same year and now a whooping limit of 63k characters.
An ideal novel will have around 500,000 charcters , and that means you can copy a whole novel as your status updates in around 9 such attempts!! But still Google+ leads in this regard as the limit of character updates here is about 100,000 characters!