A new Swedish company named “HyMeAir” is seeking to raise funds on kickstarter.com to support the development of its Nano Towers that will filter out hydrogen and methane from the air when the wind blows .
According to the HyMeAir’s kickstarter project description, Nano Towers will give the world virtually free energy, free from emissions, manmade CO2.
HyMeAir predicts that this invention could give your finances a real boost, for example enabling you to fill up your car in an environmental friendly way for a few dollars .
Nano Towers use the Graphene Filters to filter out and save the vast energy content within the air. The molecules of methane and hydrogen can then be used as an energy source.
The nano filtration technique is a well known and proven technique. Nano filtration is already used daily all over the world. A common usage of this technique is to filter out the bad molecules from water. Water is 770 times heavier than air and due to the weight of water, nano filtration require powerful pumps. In contrary to water, air with the use of Nano Towers only needs the wind.