Apple launched new iPads equipped with faster processors and better screens. Along with ipad it has introduced iPad Mini with Retina display. The iPad Air is 1 pound in weight and according…
Category: Apple
Apple Kills off iPhone 5 and announces multi-colored “cheaper” iphone 5c and powerful 5s
Apple has officially announced the long-rumored iPhone 5C, a budget device that joins the iPhone family. The iPhone 5C is a 4-inch display, an A6 computer processor, an 8 megapixel camera and…
Apple Acquired Startups HopStop and Locationary
Apple has acquired New York-based transit and navigation service HopStop and Toronto-based local business data startup Locationary. HopStop shows users in more than 500 cities the fastest way to travel by foot,…
Apple hit by hackers who targeted Facebook
Reuters has reported that Apple Inc was recently attacked by hackers who infected Macintosh computers of some employees. Unknown hackers infected the computers of some Apple workers when they visited a website…
Apple rolls out iOS 6.1 update with new features such as purchasing movie tickets via Siri.
Apple has rolled out an update iOS6.1 to the iOS 6 with many bug fixes and with new features. And Apple has added LTE capabilities to 36 additional iPhone carriers and 23…