Researchers have used artificial intelligence to reduce the ‘communication gap’ for nonverbal people with motor disabilities who rely on computers to converse with others. The team, from the University of Cambridge and…
Category: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Spiraling Circuits for More Efficient AI
Researchers from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo designed and built specialized computer hardware consisting of stacks of memory modules arranged in a 3D-spiral for artificial intelligence (AI)…
Artificial Intelligence makes blurry faces look more than 60 times sharper
Duke University researchers have developed an AI tool that can turn blurry, unrecognizable pictures of people’s faces into eerily convincing computer-generated portraits, in finer detail than ever before. Previous methods can scale…
Engineers put tens of thousands of artificial brain synapses on a single chip
MIT engineers have designed a “brain-on-a-chip,” smaller than a piece of confetti, that is made from tens of thousands of artificial brain synapses known as memristors — silicon-based components that mimic the…
Can’t concentrate at work? This AI system knows why
Computer scientists have developed a way to measure staff comfort and concentration in flexible working spaces using artificial intelligence. While hot desking and activity-based working allow cost savings and greater flexibility –…