Capsule that releases insulin in the stomach could replace injections for patients with type 2 diabetes. An MIT-led research team has developed a drug capsule that could be used to deliver oral…
Category: Medical
Vitamin D helps treat lethal drug-resistant TB
Vitamin D has been found to speed up the clearance of tuberculosis (TB) bacteria from the lungs of people with multi-drug resistant TB, according to a study of 1,850 patients receiving antibiotic…
First dexterous hand prosthesis implanted
A female Swedish patient with hand amputation has become the first recipient of an osseo-neuromuscular implant to control a dexterous hand prosthesis. In a pioneering surgery, titanium implants were placed in the…
New research provides evidence that Religious and Spiritual beliefs lower the risk of Depression
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common but debilitating psychiatric disorder. Parental depression is among the most consistently replicated risk factors for MDD, with a number of studies showing that having one…
Graphene biosensor could provide early lung cancer diagnosis
The wonder-material graphene could hold the key to unlocking the next generation of advanced, early stage lung cancer diagnosis. A team of scientists from the University of Exeter has developed a new…