A Giant Humanoid Robot is developed by Japan’s Gundam Factory Yokohama. It stands just over 18 metres tall and weighs 25 tonnes. This Life-sized Robot is modelled on one of the robots…
Category: Robots
Robot takes contact-free measurements of patients’ vital signs
Researchers hope to reduce the risk to healthcare workers posed by Covid-19 by using robots to remotely measure patients’ vital signs. During the current coronavirus pandemic, one of the riskiest parts of…
Biomorphic batteries could provide 72x more energy for robots
Like biological fat reserves store energy in animals, a new rechargeable zinc battery integrates into the structure of a robot to provide much more energy, a team led by the University of…
Origami microbots: Centuries-old artform guides cutting-edge advances in tiny machines
University of Michigan engineers create centimeter-sized robots capable of more than ever before. Origami principles can unlock the potential of the smallest robots, enhancing speed, agility and control in machines no more…
Researchers create a robotic camera backpack for insects
In the movie “Ant-Man,” the title character can shrink in size and travel by soaring on the back of an insect. Now researchers at the University of Washington have developed a tiny…