Super-productive factories of the future could employ fleets of genetically engineered bacterial cells, such as common E. coli, to create valuable chemical commodities in an environmentally friendly way. By leveraging their natural…
Category: Technology
Stanford researchers unveiled virtual reality headset that reduces eye fatigue, nausea
Try on any virtual reality headset and within a few minutes the sense of wonder might wear off and leave you with a headache or a topsy-turvy stomach. Computational imaging experts say…
MIT developed a biochemical sensor for cancer treatments
In the battle against cancer, which kills nearly 8 million people worldwide each year, doctors have in their arsenal many powerful weapons, including various forms of chemotherapy and radiation. What they lack,…
New solar flow battery achieves 20% energy savings over traditional batteries
After debuting the world’s first solar air battery last fall, researchers at The Ohio State University have now reached a new milestone. Researchers at The Ohio State University have invented the prototype…
Oil or fat droplets turn cells into tiny lasers
Harvard researchers have made pig-skin lasers. The technology, outlined in a paper published in Nature Photonics, showed that pumping light into fat cells could turn them into tiny, self-contained lasers. Researchers have…