A new Service named as “Square Cash” is launched from Square Inc. for allowing the users to send money to friends easily just by sending an email. Users can just email cash,…
Category: Technology
MIT Students invent Thermoelectric Bracelet which helps people maintain a comfortable body temperature
Thursday, October 17– Heating or cooling certain parts of your body — such as applying a warm towel to your forehead if you feel chilly — can help maintain your perceived thermal…
Australian Company Planning To Use Drones For Textbook Delivery
An Australian start-up “Flirtey” plans to start commercial courier deliveries by drone. If regulatory approval is done, from March next year students will be able to order books from Zookal, a textbook…
Arizona solar plant keeps producing electricity after sun goes down
Spanish Solar company Abengoa’s Solana plant in the desert near Gila Bend, Arizona has passed commercial testing, and it can store the sun’s power for six hours via thermal energy. The three…
Scientists Create Self-Assembling M-Blocks Robots
Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed new Terminator-style cube-shaped robots that can leap through the air, jump on top of each other and assemble together to form arbitrary…