Walt Disney has released a Short Film “Paperman” using a technique that seamlessly merges computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques. First-time director John Kahrs takes the art of animation in a bold new…
Category: Technology
Foursquare Launches Its Second Ever iOS App “Foursquare For Business”
The Famous check-in service Foursquare has released a new app which is named as “Foursqure for Business”. This new app is designed for business owners instead of customers. This new App allow…
Apple rolls out iOS 6.1 update with new features such as purchasing movie tickets via Siri.
Apple has rolled out an update iOS6.1 to the iOS 6 with many bug fixes and with new features. And Apple has added LTE capabilities to 36 additional iPhone carriers and 23…
RIM reduces the pricing of BlackBerry App World ahead of BlackBerry 10 Launch
The Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company RIM (Research In Motion Limited) has announced that it is lowering the pricing of BlackBerry World Apps ahead of BlackBerry 10 launch. The current lowest…
Stacked for Power: MSI G65 AMD Motherboard
In all aspects of your computer, it is the motherboard that will determine your capabilities. Of course, if the motherboard is lacking a specific feature, it doesn’t take much to improve upon…