Using a novel fabrication process, MIT researchers have produced smart textiles that snugly conform to the body so they can sense the wearer’s posture and motions. By incorporating a special type of…
Wearable textile exomuscle to increase the upper body strength and endurance
Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a wearable textile exomuscle that serves as an extra layer of muscles. They aim to use it to increase the upper body strength and endurance of…
This Robot paints like a Human
Graduate students at the Georgia Institute of Technology have built the first graffiti-painting robot system that mimics the fluidity of human movement. Aptly named GTGraffiti, the system uses motion capture technology to…
New gel technology could form a new type of treatment to help hearts regenerate after injury.
University of Manchester researchers have developed a new biodegradable gel that can help to improve the delivery of cells directly into the living heart and could form a new generation of treatments…
Direct sound printing is a potential game-changer in 3D printing
Most 3D printing methods currently in use rely either on photo (light)- or thermo (heat)-activated reactions to achieve precise manipulation of polymers. The development of a new platform technology called direct sound…