Facebook has done S-1 filing for starting its much expected IPO. Facebook in its IPO filing revealed that it now has 845 million users, nearly half the world’s Internet users. And it…
Google starts country-specific blog censorship
Google’s blogger started redirecting their users to country specific domain names. A Blogger’s support post, “Why does my blog redirect to a country-specific URL?,” says about it. Readers will be redirected to…
Apple Hires Dixons Chief “John Browett” to Run Retail Stores
Apple announced Tuesday that John Browett, who has been chief executive of Dixons Retail PLC since 2007, would join the company as a senior vice president in charge of the technology giant’s…
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo says new policy is for transparency
Twitter Chief Executive Dick Costolo said the company’s recently announced online content policy was meant to be a transparent way to handle government requests for the removal of certain content and did…
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, PayPal and others together start DMARC.org to prevent Phishing
DMARC. org is getting started by many internet companies and banks to prevent Phishing emails. DMARC.org (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) is an unincorporated working group made up of many of…