Indian Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal has informed that India is planning to regulate the Social Media sites, and he said that Facebook and Google are not cooperating with his earlier request of…
The Top Twitter Topics and Hashtags of the Year 2011
Twitter has published the data about the Top Twitter Topics and Hastags of this Year. The Twitter “Year in Review” gives the details about the Top Topics in various categories such…
India Asks Social Media sites to Screen User Content Manually
Indian Government has started taking steps for forcing the Social media sites such as Facebook to pre-screen the Content generated from Indian users before the content goes online. New York Times Report…
Interface that prevents security leaks on Facebook
A new Facebook app has been developed to prevent the personal information leaked to hackers. Heng Xu Assistant professor of Information Science and Technology stated that “One illusion is that people think…
Facebook buys Gowalla !!
A recent report says that Facebook has acquired location based service provider Gowalla. CNN money cites that the Austin based company has been acquired by the Social Networking giant Facebook for an…