Qualcomm has introduced Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight, a highly optimized 58x40mm board targeted specifically for consumer drones and robotics applications. Qualcomm Technologies also announced that Yuneec, a leading developer of consumer and professional…
Tag: drone
DJI launches “Phantom 3 Standard,” a photography and video drone
DJI launches the most accessible flying camera (‘drone’) “Phantom 3 Standard”. It is designed specifically for first-time pilots. The DJI Phantom 3 Standard brings DJI’s signature attention to stability, flight, and imaging…
Hydrogen powered HYCOPTER can fly for 4 hours
HYCOPTER is the world’s first hydrogen fuel cell powered multi-rotor UAV. HYCOPTER is being readied for a record flight endurance of 4 hours, or 8 to 10 times the average flight duration…
PhoneDrone allows your smartphone to become an autonomous aerial camera
xCraft, an innovator of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs),has launched a Kickstarter campaign for PhoneDrone which allows anyone with a smartphone to enjoy their own personal flying robot. The smartphone is installed with…
The World’s First Smart Drone “Solo” makes aerial photography easy
3D Robotics(3DR) announced Solo, an all-in-one personal drone whose ease of use and powerful new features kick off a new aerial age. Solo delivers several world-first technologies, such as unfettered in-flight access…