Data gathered from Google’s self-driving Prius and Lexus cars shows that they are safer and smoother when they are driven automatically than driven by professional human drivers. Chris Urmson, Director of Google’s…
Tag: Google
Google acquires the French startup FlexyCore to improve Android performance
Tuesday, October 22 – Google has bought the French Company FlexyCore. This 5-years-old company is best known for its DroidBooster Android app. which improves the speed of apps running Android without increasing…
Google updates Terms of Service to use Face and Name of users in its ads.
Google announced plans to roll out “shared endorsements” which will augment its own advertisements with information from users who rated, reviewed, or gave a +1 to the service or location. Google’s this…
Google launches Spotify rival Play Music ” All Access “
Google is bringing its music streaming service ‘Play Music All Access’ to the UK.The service has already launched in the US. “All Access lets you create an ad-free, interactive radio station from…
Google Maps update for Android Devices
Google had rolled out Maps update for Android phones and tablets with a simple and easy-to-use design. This new version got a cleaner interface that’s similar to that of the app’s iPhone…