From smartphone assistants to image recognition and translation, machine learning already helps us in our everyday lives. But it can also help us to tackle some of the world’s most challenging physical…
Tag: Google
Google Chrome is experimenting with Post-Quantum Cryptography
Quantum computers are a fundamentally different sort of computer that take advantage of aspects of quantum physics to solve certain sorts of problems dramatically faster than conventional computers can. While the Quantum…
Samsung unveils new Fitness Wristband “Gear Fit 2” with GPS
Samsung Electronics continued its expansion in the fitness wearable market with the global unveiling of the Gear Fit2. The Gear Fit2 features an embedded GPS and a heart rate monitor (HRM) that…
Spaces: Google launches Group-Sharing App “Spaces” on Android, iOS and Web
Group sharing isn’t easy. From book clubs to house hunts to weekend trips and more, getting friends into the same app can be challenging. Sharing things typically involves hopping between apps to…
Gboard Adds Google’s Search Box to iPhone Keyboards
Google has released a new app for your iPhone that lets you search and send information, GIFs, emojis and more, right from your keyboard. This new iOS keyboard app is named as…