A new assembly method based on an ancient Japanese paper art quickly transforms 2-D structures into complex 3-D shapes. The results, reported by a Northwestern University, University of Illinois and Tsinghua University research…
Tag: Nanotechnology
3D-printed microfish– capable of removing and sensing toxins
Researchers developed a multipurpose fish-shaped microrobots — called microfish — that swim around efficiently in liquids, are chemically powered by hydrogen peroxide and magnetically controlled. They used an innovative 3D printing technology…
“Quantum dot” technology may help light the future
Advances at Oregon State University in manufacturing technology for “quantum dots” may soon lead to a new generation of LED lighting that produces a more user-friendly white light, while using less toxic…
Engineers Identify How to Keep Surfaces Dry Underwater
Imagine staying dry under water for months. Now Northwestern University engineers have examined a wide variety of surfaces that can do just that — and, better yet, they know why. The research…
Researchers developed an effective way to treat heart attack via nanotechnology
Researchers at University of Melbourne have developed, a safer and more effective way to treat heart attack and stroke via nanotechnology. The research was published in the leading journal Advanced Materials. Professor Hagemeyer, Head…