Esslingen, Germany-based Festo has come up with the BionicWheelBot, a walk-and-roll robot with strong spider vibes. The BionicWheelBot is inspired by the flic-flac spider. The flic-flac spider can walk like other spiders. It…
Tag: Robot
‘SoFi’: Soft robotic fish swims alongside real ones in coral reefs
This month scientists published rare footage of one of the Arctic’s most elusive sharks. The findings demonstrate that, even with many technological advances in recent years, it remains a challenging task to…
MIT’s AutoSaw helps users customize Furniture using Robots
Every year thousands of carpenters injure their hands and fingers doing dangerous tasks such as sawing. In an effort to minimize injury and let carpenters focus on design and other bigger-picture tasks,…
Novel 3-D printing method embeds sensing capabilities within robotic actuators
Researchers at Harvard University have built soft robots inspired by nature that can crawl, swim, grasp delicate objects and even assist a beating heart, but none of these devices has been able…
Snake-inspired robot uses kirigami to move
A team of researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has developed a soft robot that uses those same principles of locomotion to crawl without…