LG Electronics (LG) has planned to preview advanced robot technologies at CES 2017, to showcase its innovations in artificial intelligence. By leveraging powerful analytical processing power, LG’s robotic lineup will be able…
Tag: Robot
Robots learn Grasping by sharing their hand-eye coordination experience with each other
A human child is able to reliably grasp objects after one year, and takes around four years to acquire more sophisticated precision grasps. However, networked robots can instantaneously share their experience with…
Mimicking Biological Movements with Soft Robots
Designing a soft robot to move organically — to bend like a finger or twist like a wrist — has always been a process of trial and error. Now, Harvard researchers have…
Sun Devil – This Robot learns Basketball by itself in few Hours
Arizona State University (ASU) researchers have recently shown how machine learning can be used by an autonomous robot to learn how to play basketball. Their Robot named “Sun Devil – RX” repeatedly…
SALTO – This Wall-jumping Robot is most vertically agile ever built
Roboticists at UC Berkeley have designed a small robot that can leap into the air and then spring off a wall, or perform multiple vertical jumps in a row, resulting in the…