It’s one of life’s little annoyances: that last bit of shampoo that won’t quite pour out of the bottle. Or the last bit of hand soap, or dish soap, or laundry detergent….
Tag: technology
MIT’s Swarm Architecture makes Parallel Programming Faster and Easier
Computer chips have stopped getting faster. For the past 10 years, chips’ performance improvements have come from the addition of processing units known as cores. In theory, a program on a 64-core…
IBM Watson-powered “Olli” is unveiled in Washington DC. Olli is a 3D-printed minibus
Local Motors is the leading vehicle technology integrator and creator of the world’s first 3D-printed cars. It has introduced the first self-driving vehicle to integrate the advanced cognitive computing capabilities of IBM…
Artificial intelligence produces Realistic Sounds that fool Humans
Objects make distinctive sounds when they are hit or scratched. These sounds reveal aspects of an object’s material properties, as well as the actions that produced them. MIT researchers have demonstrated an…
Researchers discover new way to turn electricity into light, using graphene
When an airplane begins to move faster than the speed of sound, it creates a shockwave that produces a well-known “boom” of sound. Now, researchers at MIT and elsewhere have discovered a…