From visible light to radio waves, most people are familiar with the different sections of the electromagnetic spectrum. But one wavelength is often forgotten, little understood, and, until recently, rarely studied. It’s…
Tag: technology
Google’s Smart OnHub Wireless Router now supports IFTTT to automate your Life
Google’s “smart OnHub wireless router” now supports IFTTT, the web service that automates actions between apps. IFTTT can be triggered when devices connect and disconnect from OnHub. IFTTT is a service that…
Craig Wright revealed as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto
Australian entrepreneur Craig Steven Wright has publicly identified himself as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically.
Sony’s Smart Contact Lens Records and Plays Video by blinking eyes
In recent years, many people are using contact lenses for correcting vision problems, and some people are using it for changing the appearances of their eyes, i-e changing the color of their…
Making Electronics out of Coal
MIT Researchers have proved that the natural resource “Coal” is more than just a fuel source, by successfully creating electronics components out of coal. Even though coal has been one of the…