A new Microsoft Research project lets people to create high-quality 3D images in real time, using a regular mobile phone, with about the same effort it takes to snap a picture or…
Tag: technology
MIT’s “MultiFab” 3-D printer can print 10 materials at once
In recent years, companies have been working with “multi-material” 3-D printers that can fabricate many different functional items. Such printers, however, have traditionally been limited to three materials at a time, can…
New flexible white LEDs can be used in wearable displays
Researchers from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan have created highly flexible, efficient white LEDs with potential use in wearable displays and non-flat surfaces, such as curved and flexible television screens. While the…
Mobile phone data can track the spread of infectious diseases
Researchers at Princeton University and Harvard University have used anonymous mobile phone records for more than 15 million people to track the spread of rubella disease in Kenya and were able to…
“Quantum dot” technology may help light the future
Advances at Oregon State University in manufacturing technology for “quantum dots” may soon lead to a new generation of LED lighting that produces a more user-friendly white light, while using less toxic…