Twitter has announced Thursday that it has filed paperwork to begin the IPO process. Twitter made its announcement via a tweet. We’ve confidentially submitted an S-1 to the SEC for a planned…
Tag: Twitter
Twitter Buys MoPub
Twitter announced on Monday that it has acquired MoPub, a mobile-focused advertising exchange. Twitter says that the acquisition will help them to further develop the native advertising ecosystem. Jim CEO,MoPub said “It’s…
Twitter suspends Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu
Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu had his Twitter account briefly suspended Thursday for “aggressively following” other users, just hours after it was launched. “Twitter says it’s ‘sorry for the inconvenience’ over…
Twitter acquires Spindle
Twitter has acquired Spindle, a location-based social discovery engine.Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Twitter confirmed its acquisition by tweet: Welcome! “@spindle: Exciting news: Spindle has been acquired by @Twitter and…
Twitter’s new #FollowMe tool
Twitter and Vizify are teamed up to create a highlight reel of your best tweets, photos, and most engaging moments on Twitter,Vine videos with few clicks. The service, dubbed #FollowMe, can “instantly…