MIT researchers make surfaces that are easier to cool under extreme heat. This finding could benefit power plants and electronics. Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Power plant was affected by Earthquake and Tsunami in…
Tag: technology
Georgia Tech’s “instant inkjet circuits” Technique makes Circuit protoype creation inexpensive
Researchers from Georgia Tech, the University of Tokyo and Microsoft Research have developed a novel method to rapidly and cheaply make electrical circuits by printing them with commodity inkjet printers and off-the-shelf…
Self-steering particles for making Cancer diagnostic devices more efficient and portable.
MIT chemical engineers have designed tiny particles that can “steer” themselves along preprogrammed trajectories and align themselves to flow through the center of a microchannel, making it possible to control the particles’…
Power-harvesting Device for charging Mobile devices by converting stray wireless signals into electricity.
Researchers at Duke University have designed a power-harvesting device which can charge the mobile devices by converting the stray wireless signals into electricity. Energy conversion rate of this device is comparable to…
Major Bitcoin theft from website
A businessman who operates a virtual bank for holding digital currency has told that more than $1m of Bitcoins were stolen. “The attacker compromised the hosting account through compromising email accounts (some…